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On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your current wellbeing?
1. Very Poor: Feeling overwhelmed, highly stressed, or unwell.
2. Low: Feeling down or unmotivated, with persistent difficulties.
3. Average: Feeling okay but not particularly energized or positive.
4. Good; Feeling positive and balanced most of the time.
5. Very Good: Highly motivated, energized, and content.
What part of your current lifestyle do you enjoy the most?
Which part of your current lifestyle is most challenging for you?
What steps are important for maintaining or regaining lifestyle?
Check all the possibilities you are curious to explore:
Increased strength and physical abilities
Reduced body pain
Feel more balanced on my feet
Getting out of the house more
Have company in my home
Homecooked or delivered meals
Meeting new friends
Visiting my favorite local places
Help recovering from illness, injury, or surgery
Help around the house
Help with my pets
Seeing my family and friends more
Trying out a new sport or activity
Stretch Therapy
Have a compassionate ear to share my feelings, concerns, or fears with
Work with a Wellness Coach to help identify my needs and goals
What specific questions do you have about any of the possibilities you checked?
Who do you consider your current team of support? (This can include friends, family, neighbors, etc.)
Thank you for completing the assessment, we will review and get back to you shortly.